The objective of the ‘Globalstartalent School of Health and Wellbeing’ is to develop Healthcare Professionals’ awareness and practical expertise in the fertile interdisciplinary field of Innovative Health Methodologies, neo-technological inventiveness that can recognise, analyse and treat Complex Biopsychosocial Patterns of thus-presented relationships between health and illness.
The School delivers both online and offline classes, all designed to hone existing abilities by imparting the neo-technical ones, the facility in the usage of which is rapidly becoming necessary for you to keep ahead in the global employability race as an up-to-date, savvy, wised-up Healthcare Professional. In this regard, our popular specialist training for Healthcare Professionals is well-known in the Healthcare Sector as giving a successful employment-placement advantage.
Where any of us will stand in the ranks of individual, social, national and international participation in the wealth of our human future, i.e. our Individual, familial, social and economic capability to prosper, is – and it appears ever-increasingly will be – determined by our knowledgeability of and our capacity to understand and work profitably with whatever unstoppable waves of neo-technological innovations present themselves to us; and let’s not ignore our having to take control of the inevitably consequential Social and Industrial Changes that will be generated by them. For instance: what sort of jobs will there be left for people when AI robots do most of the work? The answer, of course, is the jobs that robots can’t do – the ones that only human beings can do.
For these technologically-supercharged accelerations to be of fundamental value to every aspect of our modern lives they must first serve our Health; this demands the basic global necessity of a Techno-Medical Future that works for everybody – with nobody left out.
The real and potential procedures of ground-breaking, trail-blazing Innovative Biotechnologies such as Frequency Medicine and Quantum Medicine are transforming our World’s prospects of immediately supplying local and globally-distanced Diagnoses, Prescriptions followed up by prompt, secure Deliveries of “tailored”, i.e. case-specific, Healthcare, Welfare and Well-Being demands.
For this to become a reality: Traditional Healthcare Education is evolving to incorporate the need for real-time understanding of the distributive potententialities, the latent possible advantages, of every technological innovation and developing that necessity to be the unifying principle of the strategic training now required in intercommunicative Biotechnology Disciplines.